Rink ring-heel triple (iron)
KKSh-6 is intended for seedbed after seeding and covering soil. Loosens the top layer and seals the surface, destroys
the crust and clods, partially aligns plowed field.
Creates perfect water-holding layer of the soil during ploughing,
cultivating, disking and harrowing.
The rink consists of a front and two rear hinged sections.
Working bodies are cast wheels.
Mod KKSh-6 was tested on the game Farming Simulator 2015.
Rink ring-heel with good physics,
while moving exhibits dust and leaves traces.
Towed machinery intended for fertilization.
Author: AndreyGunko, stefan, Dim-Dim, BoykoSerhiy, ksergey13.
Mod made: ANDREI1994.