Today I would like to expand the forestry equipment range for the LS 15 is a machine. This is a John Deere Skidder 548H, built to move Langholz, so long wooden back, as it is also called in the jargon.
Why Beta? Quite simply, I would like to have the Skidder equipped a working winch and with a pendulum guide (float position). Since these functions in the original game are not available and also the script documentary is slow in coming, the mod must first of all do without these functions, unfortunately.
To the model, I have remained in the model under the usual 80K and have at the moment 4K textures on the skidder. Now some will turn up, but I did not care personally nose. The textures are quickly halved for those who would disrupt it. The mod works on the Giants-standard scripts and so should cause no problems in MP.
Sven777b Scripts
Lösungsvorschlag Schwimmstellung Zange Mistiger Schuh
le meilleur mod actuel
trop cool
best mod i ever got
its ok got a lot of bugs in it
moi Jai un problème je n’arrive pas a ouverire et ferme le grappin qu’elle qu’un peu m’aide ??
pour le grappin les deux boutons de souris appuyés et glisser de haut en bas pour la rotation les deux boutons de souris appuyés et de droite a gauche mais y’a un quart de tour latance qui remplance la position flottante donc pas de panique s’il ne tourne pas tout de suite.
how do you open the jaws?